Charny Healing Center is a sanctuary for health, wellness and healing

We do not merely alleviate your symptoms. Rather, we seek to understand and address the underlying cause of your health concerns.

Most diseases are caused by the interplay of genetic, biochemical, nutritional and environmental factors.

For over 30 years Charny Healing Center has led the forefront of integrative medicine.

We have built a reputation by continually researching and seeking out the most advanced developments in functional medicine and biological medicine.

We continue to seek out and refine a broad range of bio-energetic and naturopathic treatment techniques.

We partner with the most advanced labs, offering our patients a selection of specialized diagnostic tests.

We work with premier nutritional supplement manufacturers, hand selecting the best formulations for your health and wellness.

Simply put, we do the research and apply our knowledge to guide you on your health and healing journey.

Meet Dr. Charny

Insightful. Knowledgeable. Trusted.

For over 30 years Charny Healing Center has led the forefront of integrative medicine.

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Meet Dr. Charny Chiropractor

Meet Dr. Charny

Insightful. Knowledgeable. Trusted.

For over 30 years Charny Healing Center has led the forefront of integrative medicine.

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Meet Dr. Charny Chiropractor

Dr. Charny is a Chiropractic Physician, Diplomat in Clinical Nutrition and Board Certified Naturopathic Physician.

Dr. Charny has been exploring holistic forms of health care for over 30 years, utilizing a wide variety of innovative therapies to resolve complex problems that have failed to respond to traditional treatment methods.

Charny Healing Center
by the numbers

Over 30

years experience

2500 +

patients strong

More than 300

annual hours continuing education

Health Conditions We Address

Health Conditions We Address

At Charny Healing Center we treat people with a wide variety of health concerns.

Many health conditions can be improved with an approach intent on optimizing nutrition, eliminating toxins and other adverse influences, and maximizing function. We believe that through balancing and bringing homeostasis the body can restore it’s own functions naturally.

Our Treatments

Our Treatments

Dr. Charny has advanced training and expertise
in a wide range of techniques:

Applied Kinesiology

Autonomic Response


Cranio-Sacral therapy

Clinical nutrition


Energy psychology (N.E.T. and B.E.S.T.)

Functional and Nutritional Genomics

Immuno Mmodulation (IMAET)

Metabolic balancing

Photodynamic laser therapy

Quantum and Functional Neurology

Most of Dr. Charny’s patients are referrals

Here’s what they have to say…

Ready to get started?

Fill out a short health questionnaire to help up assess your health needs.

Once we receive your responses our team will get in touch with you shortly to schedule your first appointment!

  • Multi-Vitamin Elite $73.00