
Applied Kinesiology

AK - Goodheart

Applied Kinesiology (AK) is the essence of integrative and wholistic medicine, drawing from the disciplines of chiropractic, clinical nutrition, and functional neurology, and taking the standards of diagnosis and treatment to a higher level.

Discovered by Dr. Goodheart in 1964, AK's non-invasive system of evaluating body function is unique in the healing arts and has become a dynamic movement in health care.

AK uses muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism. The combined terms “applied” and “kinesiology” describe the basis of this system, which is the use of manual muscle testing to evaluate body function through the dynamics of the musculoskeletal system.

AK diagnosis can determine the best forms of treatment for the specific patient at that time. This is important because we are dynamic, living, growing beings. Just as your needs may be different from someone else with similar symptoms, you may also have different needs at different times as your health changes. These therapies may include specific joint manipulation or mobilization, various myofascial therapies, cranial techniques, meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management and various reflex procedures.

AK draws together the core elements of many complementary therapies and provides an interdisciplinary approach to health care.

B.E.S.T. - Bio-Energy Synchronization

An energy balancing, hands on procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body.

B.E.S.T utilizes light pressure contacts on the surface of the body to address parasympathetic and sympathetic imbalances. When expressed in the intrinsic muscles of the spine as a chiropractic subluxation, pinched nerve, or muscle spasm, this pattern of imbalance can lead to symptoms of discomfort and loss of function throughout the body. B.E.S.T. offers a non-force way to eliminate patterns of stress and discomfort, which have been surfacing in both acute pain and chronic conditions.

The B.E.S.T procedure utilizes palpation of the spinal muscles, and subsequently holding pressure points along the spine, sacrum, and skull. When muscles are balanced and the updated pattern restored, spinal muscle spasm, vertebral subluxation, and nerve pressure are removed. Patients often experience immediate relief from symptoms and completely enjoy the painless approach to health and wellness.

I.M.A.E.T. - Immuno Modulation

For thousands of years, cultures across the world have recognized a bioenergetic expression of life in each of our bodies. In Hindu culture Prana (“life force”) is the guiding principle behind traditional medicine and yoga. In Chinese culture Qi (“vital life force”) is the basis for the acupuncture tradition and Qigong meditation.

The IMAET system draws on these traditional wisdoms and incorporates our modern scientific knowledge to analyze and reinterpret our bodies’ cellular communication for optimal health and bio function.

Bio-Energy (IMAET)

Biological Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine

A distinct system of primary health care derived from a strong philosophical belief about life, health, and disease. It is defined by principles rather than by methods or modalities.

  • First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere)
  • Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrix naturae)
  • Treat the Cause (tolle causam)
  • Treat The Whole Person (tolle totum)
  • Doctor as Teacher (docere)
  • Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

The practice of medicine that embraces a holistic, natural approach to the treatment of the sick. Homeopathy is holistic because it treats the person as a whole, rather than focusing on a diseased part or a labeled sickness.

Spagyric / Pleomorphic Medicine

An ancient natural system of healing based on medicinal plants, providing a bridge between classical homeopathy, modern herbal medicine, aromatherapy and energy healing. Spagyric medicine enables restoration of bodily functions and boosts self-healing processes.

The word "Spagyric" comes from two Greek words meaning "to separate or purify" and "to reunite", alluding to the specific preparation process of a Spagyric essence. Given to a patient, such a remedy mobilizes his/her self-healing forces.

These natural remedies are made in licensed laboratories in Germany and Switzerland to the same standards of safety as modern drugs. They are produced in such a way that no alkaloids or toxic molecules can be found in the final products. Spagyric medicine complements all other forms of medicine, whether orthodox (allopathic), alternative or complementary, or can stand alone as a complete healing system.


Detoxification of the body and its individual organs, tissues, and cells is one of the most crucial aspects in keeping a healthy and functioning body.

Detoxification assists the liver, lungs, kidneys, colon, skin, and lymphatic system, which can become overwhelmed with toxins, waste, metabolic end-products, pathogens and heavy metals.

Targeted laboratory evaluations can assist in determining toxic build up. Whether it’s environmental pollutants, heavy metal(s), mold mycotoxins, or biotoxins, they all require different metabolic support. Whether you are just interested in seasonal cleansing, want to incorporate prevention into your health model, or have a chronic condition, we have devised several methods which aim to reopen the drainage pathways, cleanse the toxins and repair the damage. We can help you to detoxify through our 3 step program:

  • Far Infrared Sauna Therapy
  • Nutritional Detoxification for colon, liver, kidney, lymph and blood
  • Cleansing and purifying diet
Clinical Nutrition

We are all unique individuals with different genetic makeups and varying lifestyles. Our nutritional requirements must match our unique biochemical individuality to achieve ideal weight, promote optimal health and improve the way one feels.

Foods are our building blocks. The chemical elements from foods can rebuild cells and correct cellular defects and deficiencies. At Charny Healing, we analyze your metabolic type and perform biochemical laboratory tests to devise individually tailored clinical nutrition plans.

ART - Klinghardt

Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is an advanced form of muscle testing developed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt. It employs the latest findings of quantum and biophotonic physics to aid in the assessment of the body through changes in the autonomic nervous system.

At Charny Healing, we incorporate ART along with traditional testing methods to determine the root causes of illness.

B.E.S.T. - Bio-Energy Synchronization

An energy balancing, hands on procedure used to help reestablish the full healing potential of the body.

B.E.S.T utilizes light pressure contacts on the surface of the body to address parasympathetic and sympathetic imbalances. When expressed in the intrinsic muscles of the spine as a chiropractic subluxation, pinched nerve, or muscle spasm, this pattern of imbalance can lead to symptoms of discomfort and loss of function throughout the body. B.E.S.T. offers a non-force way to eliminate patterns of stress and discomfort, which have been surfacing in both acute pain and chronic conditions.

The B.E.S.T procedure utilizes palpation of the spinal muscles, and subsequently holding pressure points along the spine, sacrum, and skull. When muscles are balanced and the updated pattern restored, spinal muscle spasm, vertebral subluxation, and nerve pressure are removed. Patients often experience immediate relief from symptoms and completely enjoy the painless approach to health and wellness.


Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that the nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ and system in your body. First developed in 1895 as a health discipline that seeks to prevent and treat problems by using spinal adjustments in order to correct misalignments (subluxations), today chiropractic is the largest drugless healing profession. Chiropractors strive to diagnose and correct biomechanical disturbances and nervous system blockages, which often manifest in symptoms of inflammation, tension, adhesions and other joint mobility restrictions.

Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between bodily structure (primarily that of the spine) and function, and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health. Chiropractors use adjustments, which influence the body’s nervous system and natural defense mechanism in order to return the body to balance thus alleviate pain and improve general health.

Cranio-Sacral Technique

The Cranio-sacral system is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. The Cranio-sacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and releasing restrictions in the cranio-sacral system to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. By complementing the body's natural healing processes, the Cranio-sacral therapy is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction. It is also important for babies and children to mold the nervous system efficiently.

Chiropractic Care

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine

A focus on understanding the fundamental physiological processes, the environmental inputs, and the genetic predispositions that influence health and disease so that interventions are focused on treating the cause of the problem, not just masking the symptoms.

The basic principles underlying functional medicine include:

  • Science-based medicine that connects the emerging research base to clinical practice
  • Biochemical individuality based on genetic and environmental uniqueness
  • Patient-centered care rather than disease-focused treatment
  • Dynamic balance of internal and external factors that affect total functioning
  • Web-like interconnections among the body's physiological processes also affect every aspect of functionality
  • Health as a positive vitality, not merely the absence of disease
Metabolic Balancing

A unique system of nutritional analysis based on the premise that there is no one diet that is right for everyone. Each of us is bio-chemically unique, but within that uniqueness certain patterns of commonality emerge that we refer to as the Metabolic Types.

Metabolic Balancing is a fusion of two systems of metabolic analysis: the Oxidative (or energy generating) and the Autonomic (or energy regulating). The basic premise is that one or the other of these two systems (the Oxidative or the Autonomic) will be more dominant in controlling a person's metabolism. The Metabolic Balancing Protocol seeks to identify:

  1. Which system is dominant in any individual
  2. Which of two sub-types within that system characterizes the individual (Fast or Slow Oxidizer within the Oxidative system, and Sympathetic or Parasympathetic within the Autonomic system)

The reason that it is important to know the dominance system is that foods have opposite pH effects in members of the two dominance systems.

After identifying the correct dominance system and Metabolic Type, the Metabolic Balancing practitioner uses dietary modification to optimize blood pH and balance the individual’s metabolism, thereby improving energy levels, stabilizing weight, and helping the body become more resistant to disease.

Functional Genomic Nutrition

Functional Genomic Nutrition analyzes how genetic factors influence our individual biological responses to diet, and the resulting impact diet has on our genetic expression.

Through genomic testing (personalized DNA testing) we can navigate your biochemical circuitry by understanding your unique gene blueprint and apply personalized nutrition based on your functional genomics analysis to ensure that you get enough of the right food (or supplement) for your unique self.

Functional Genomic Nutrition

Diagnostic Lab Testing

Diagnostic Lab Testing

We partner with industry leading leading labs to offer a comprehensive menu of diagnostic testing, including a wide range of specializing studies. Dr. Charny continuously seeks out cutting edge tests that dig deeper into identifying the root causes of wellness concerns.

High Power Laser Therapy

High Power Laser Therapy uses non-invasive laser energy to generate a photochemical response in damaged or dysfunctional tissue. Laser light stimulates higher ATP production levels, increases cell membrane permeability, and promotes blood and lymphatic vessel vasodilation.

These events lead to a cascade of beneficial effects, increasing cellular energy and health.

Charny Healing Center administers High Power Laser Therapy with a 60 watt class IV therapy laser, one of the most technologically advanced and powerful class lV lasers available today.

Laser Therapy

Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)

Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)

A methodology used to address unresolved physical and/or behavioral patterns in the body using a physical correction.

NET assists the body's healing process by identifying and balancing unresolved emotional influences—it's a mind-body approach. Emotions are traditionally thought of as being normal functions of human beings and normally pose no Neuro-physiological problem. Occasionally, emotional trauma in the presence of a neurological or meridian deficit can cause a physio-pathological related pattern in the body which does not resolve by itself. To bring about lasting change, NET seeks to normalize this pattern by identifying the emotion and also linking it to a certain altered physiological states. NET makes use of the Neuro-mechanisms of speech, general semantics, emotions, acupuncture and chiropractic principles, laws of the meridian system, cutaneous reflex points, principles of traditional psychology, and more.

NET seeks to normalize a neurological imbalance using an energetic correction, allowing a change in physiology thus affecting the physiological (and not psychological) basis of emotions.

Quantum Neurology Rehabilitation

A powerful system that can optimize your body’s performance and healing.

Using a patented system of evaluation and correction, we find hidden neurological weaknesses in the body and neurological expression pattern caused by each injury, illness, or condition.

Quantum Neurology stimulates the sensory part of the nervous system trough low force physical mobilization with Arthrostim and GRT light therapy. The aim is to restore function to motor, cranial, sensory, and visceral nerves and to allow the nerves that may be associated with painful or debilitating injuries or conditions to reset or repair.

THE ARTHROSTIM®: Low force percussion instrument that stimulates the nervous system where it is acting with an aim to make muscles relax and lengthen as well as stimulate their response.

THE GRT™ LIGHT: Red/Infrared LED (Light Emitting Diode) therapy device. Research has shown red and infra-red light stimulate metabolic function of cells. It was designed specifically for neurological rehabilitation and assists many of the Quantum Neurology™ corrections. There is no heat generated by the device as it is a class 1 infra-red light and it is a completely pain free application.

Quantum Neurology Rehabilitation

Featured Treatment Techniques

  • Multi-Vitamin Elite $73.00