Please note: We are unable to ship to New York (per state law).

  • It all starts with a healthy gut

    Your body is full of trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi, collectively known as the microbiome. From controlling the digestion of food, to immune system regulation and central nervous system processes, the gut microbiome is an essential component of your overall health.

    What does the GI-Map test analyze?

    The GI-Map test analyzes the DNA of pathogenic (harmful), commensal (beneficial), and opportunistic organisms. By testing for specific genetic markers and signatures of bacteria, viruses, and parasites, the GI-MAP test may shed light on the health of the microbiome and whether these microbes are a contributing factor to illness. The test also measures digestive health, absorption, inflammation, and immune function.

    Quantitative, accurate, and reliable results

    Unlike other comprehensive stool tests on the market, the GI-MAP test can provide truly quantitative results. This is where most other direct to consumer stool tests fall short.

    Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology offers a much more accurate way to detect and quantify clinically-relevant organisms than standard PCR, culture, microscopy, or DNA sequencing-based methods. Accurately assessing how much of an organism's DNA is present is essential for determining the clinical significance of pathogenic organisms and dysbiosis patterns.

  • When I began working with Dr. Charny, she almost immediately recommended I try a GI-MAP test to see what might be causing my issues.

    It’s pretty amazing how much Dr. Charny was able to read into my digestion from the results.

    The results of the MyPerio test astounded me. I never knew the bacteria in my mouth could affect my energy levels and even my high blood pressure! Thanks Dr. Charny for ordering this test and explaining my results.

    My hormones tested normal on other blood tests, but with the DUTCH test we were able to see how my hormones are working and responding to stress in action. It’s so cool that the test is taken throughout the day.

    Thanks Dr. Charny for helping me get a handle on things.

  • At-home lab tests with Charny Healing
    You have questions. We've got answers.

    When you purchase an at-home lab test with Charny Healing, you're also getting a partner. We'll walk you through the process and send check-in emails with collection instructions & reminders. We're here for any questions, any time.

    Read more about what to expect, from placing your order to receiving your results & everything in between.

    Collection Instructions
    Everything you need to know to complete your test.

    Review collection instructions thoroughly before taking your sample and shipping your test kit back to the lab.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

    Collection instructions
    Health Insights with Dr. Charny
    Make the most of your lab test by scheduling a results review with Dr. Charny.

    Having worked with thousands of patients across a wide range of health issues, Dr. Charny has developed an expertise deriving powerful insights from her analysis of patient lab results.

    Just add a consultation to your cart for each lab test you'd like to review with Dr. Charny.

    Learn more

What is GI-MAP Testing and what can it do for me?

Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP™) is unique in the field of comprehensive stool testing.

It relies exclusively on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology to detect parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more, by targeting the specific DNA of the organisms tested. It works by repeatedly copying any DNA in the sample and then analyzing what and how much DNA it finds. The test can detect germs in amounts as low as one cell per 10 grams.

The GI-MAP also measures certain non-microbial factors. It measures levels of certain immune system and digestive proteins which are considered a good sign of digestive function and gastrointestinal health. Too much or too little of these proteins can be a sign of a range of gut issues, such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Leaky Gut Syndrome. Leaky Gut Syndrome is an especially important part of the test. It is a problem with the lining of the intestines which lets germs and undigested food into the bloodstream and can cause bloating, gas, cramps, and food sensitivities.

Although qPCR is becoming more commonplace in in-vitro diagnostics (IVD), Diagnostic Solutions Lab is the only laboratory in the United States exclusively using qPCR technology for advanced comprehensive stool testing. This technology is used routinely in clinical and academic research because it provides highly accurate quantification, as well as high levels of sensitivity and specificity. Standard PCR technology doesn't offer the same level of sensitivity, or the ability to express precise numerical results.

Who can benefit from GI-MAP Comprehensive Stool Analysis?

Almost everybody can benefit from a GI-MAP gut health assessment. From chronically ill patients to those working towards optimal health.

Some conditions that warrant testing are:

  • Autoimmune issues
  • Bad body odor, bad breath
  • Brain fog
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive complaints, diarrhea or constipation, gas, and bloating
  • Hormonal issues
  • Insomnia
  • Low energy
  • Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety
  • Skin problems, skin rashes, eczema, acne and psoriasis
  • Weight loss issues
  • Yeast infection

What is Reported on GI-MAP Stool Test Results?

  • Pathogens

    The GI-MAP® includes pathogens (bacterial, parasitic, and viral) commonly known to cause intestinal gastroenteritis. It's important to note that not all individuals with positive findings for pathogens will present with symptoms. Many factors, including the health of the individual, the transient nature of some pathogens, and the presence and expression of virulence factors all contribute to an individual's symptoms.

    Toxins are a type of virulence factor produced by certain pathogens. Since GI-MAP is a DNA-based test, results reflect the levels of pathogenic strains carrying the toxin genes, not the levels of any toxins that may be produced.

    • Bacterial Pathogens
      • Campylobacter
      • C. difficile Toxin A
      • C. difficile Toxin B
      • Enterohemorrhagic E. coli
      • E. coli O157
      • Enteroinvasive E. coli/Shigella
      • Enterotoxigenic E. coli LT/ST
      • Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx1
      • Shiga-like Toxin E. coli stx2
      • Salmonella
      • Vibro cholerae
      • Yersinia enterocolitica
    • Parasitic Pathogens
      • Cryptosporidium
      • Entamoeba histolytica
      • Giardia
    • Viral Pathogens
      • Adrenovirus 40/41
      • Norovirus GI/II
  • H. pylori

    Although many carriers are asymptomatic, H. pylori is known to have a causative role in ulcers, chronic gastritis, and stomach cancer.

    Additionally, in early phases of colonization, patients may experience hypochlorhydria followed by a change to hyper aciduria. Over time, additional H. pylori strains may colonize, including those with Virulence Factors and increased disease potential.

    • H. pylori & Virulence Factors - Helicobacter pylori
      • Virulence Factor, babA
      • Virulence Factor, cagA
      • Virulence Factor, dupA
      • Virulence Factor, iceA
      • Virulence Factor, oipA
      • Virulence Factor, vacA
      • Virulence Factor, virB
      • Virulence Factor, virD
    Commensal/Keystone Bacteria

    Trillions of microorganisms inhabit the human intestine to make up a complex ecosystem that plays an important role in human health. Commensal bacteria extract nutrients and energy from our diets, maintain gut barrier function, produce vitamins (biotin and vitamin K), and protect against colonization by potential pathogens.

    • Commensal Bacteria
      • Bacteroides fragilis
      • Bifidobacterium spp.
      • Enterococcus spp.
      • Escherichia spp.
      • Lactobacillus spp.
      • Enterobacter spp.
      • Akkermansia muciniphilia
      • Faecalbacterium prausnitzii
      • Roseburia spp.
    • Bacterial Phyla
      • Bacteroidetes
      • Firmicutes
      • Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes Ratio
  • Opportunistic/Overgrowth Microbes

    Many bacteria measured on the GI-MAP are considered opportunistic pathogens, as they only cause disease and illness in some individuals, particularly the immune-compromised. Many individuals come into contact with opportunistic bacteria and experience no symptoms. Most sources consider these microbes to be normal in the stool. However, they can cause gastroenteritis and inflammation at high levels in vulnerable patients. Symptoms may include diarrhea, loose stools, abdominal pain, or even constipation.

    Overgrowth and excessive colonization by opportunistic bacteria may occur when the commensal bacteria are impaired by poor diet, antibiotic use, parasitic infection, or a weakened immune system. When intestinal permeability is present (see zonulin), these microbes could escape the lumen of the gut and infect extraintestinal sites.

    • Opportunistic/Overgrowth Microbes
      • Bicillus spp.
      • Enterococcus faecalis
      • Enterococcus faecium
      • Morganella spp.
      • Pseudomonas spp.
      • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
      • Staphylococcus spp.
      • Staphylococcus aureus
      • Streptococcus spp.
    • Commensal Overgrowth Microbes
      • Desulfovibrio spp.
      • Methanobacteriaceae (family)
    • Inflammatory & Autoimmune-related Bacteria
      • Citrobacter spp.
      • Citrobacter freundii
      • Klebsiella spp.
      • Klebsiella pneumoniae
      • M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis
      • Proteus spp.
      • Proteus mirabilis
    • Commensal Inflammatory & Autoimmune-related Bacteria
      • Commensal spp.
      • Escherichia spp.
      • Fusobacterium spp.
      • Prevotella copri

    Fungal organisms are commonly found in the human digestive tract, but fungal overgrowth can cause illness in susceptible individuals. Fungal growth may be localized in the body. For instance, Candida spp. may be high in the large intestine but normal in the small intestine, and vice versa. For those with suspected fungal overgrowth, additional tests may be necessary to understand the complete picture of fungal overgrowth.

    • Fungi/Yeast
      • Candida spp.
      • Candida albicans
      • Geotricum spp.
      • Microsporidia spp.
      • Rhodoturula spp.
    • Viruses
      • Cytomegalovirus
      • Epstein Bar Virus
  • Parasites

    A parasite is an organism that lives and feeds on a host organism at the expense of the host. The GI-MAP tests for pathogenic parasites and protozoa (some of which are non-pathogenic) most commonly occurring in the GI tract.

    • Protozoa
      • Blastocystis hominis
      • Chilomastix mesnelli
      • Cyclospora spp.
      • Dientamoeba fragilis
      • Endolimax nana
      • Entamoeba coli
      • Pentatrichomonas hominis
    • Worms
      • Ancyclostroma duodenale
      • Ascaris lumbricoides
      • Necator americanis
      • Trichuris trichiura
      • Taenia spp.
    Intestinal Health Markers
    • Digestion
      • Steatocrit
      • Elastase-1
    • GI Markers
      • β-Glucuronidase
      • Occult Blood – FIT
    • Immune Reponse
      • Secretory IgA
      • Anti-gliadin IgA
      • Eosinophil Activation Protein (EDN)
    • Inflammation
      • Calprotectin
    • Add-on Tests
      • Zonulin
  • H. pylori Antibiotic Resistance Genes

    The GI-MAP includes results for detection of antibiotic resistance genes in the microbiome. If an antibiotic resistance gene is present, then that class of antibiotics is designated POSITIVE for antibiotic resistance. A positive result for the presence of resistance genes for a given antibiotic indicates that the antibiotic is not an ideal choice for an antibiotic protocol.

    Antibiotic resistance genes apply to all of the microorganisms found in the fecal sample. Since microbes can rapidly share DNA under stress, the presence of antibiotic resistance in any organism is reason enough to avoid that drug class.

    • Phenotypes | Helobacter
      • Amoxicillen
      • Clarithromycin
      • Fluroquinolines
      • Tetracycline

View a sample report

Hear what our patients have to say
about Lab Tests with Charny Healing

Josh R.

Santa Monica, CA

I’m a relatively healthy guy in my early sixties and I’ve always been in pretty good shape. Well a year ago or so I started to feel tired and even dizzy at random hours of the day. Never in my life had I experienced dizzy spells. I was unsuccessful with several doctors before Dr. Charny recommended something called the OAT test.

Well it turns out I had a bacteria called clostidria that somehow went undetected with other tests. After pinpointing the issue, Dr. Charny tailored my treatment and the progress has been amazing. I’m finally starting to feel back to my normal self.

Chelsea T.

Los Angeles, CA

Over the last few years I had been dealing with pretty regular constipation and general stomach uneasiness. When I began working with Dr. Charny, she almost immediately recommended I try a GI-MAP test to see what might be causing my issues. It’s pretty amazing how much Dr. Charny was able to read into my digestion from the results. We discovered I had crazy yeast overgrowth and I didn’t have enough enzymes to digest all the carbs I love to eat.

With Dr. Charny’s supplement recommendations, finally we are actually addressing the root cause. In the 3 months since taking the test I feel like I’m able to properly digest food. And I’ve even lost 10 pounds. Win win!

Richard M.

Los Angeles, CA

The results of the MyPerio test astounded me. I never knew the bacteria in my mouth could affect my energy levels and even my high blood pressure! Thanks Dr. Charny for ordering this test and explaining my results.

Kate T.

Los Angeles, CA

The last few years have been hard on a lot of us and for many reasons. On top of all the regular stressors I’ve just been feeling more stressed more regularly and experiencing hot flashes and gained weight for the first time. My hormones tested normal on other blood tests, but with the DUTCH test we were able to see how my hormones are working and responding to stress in action. It’s so cool that the test is taken throughout the day. And it makes sense too! I may wake up feeling fine, but can become stressed throughout the day, seemingly at random.

Thanks Dr. Charny for helping me get a handle on things.

Important lab test information

Please read the following prior to placing your lab test order.

  • All sales are final and no refunds will be afforded and you waive any rights to charge-back your purchase with your credit card processor.
  • Charny Healing does not participate in, take assignment, or accept any private insurance. We do not provide super bills and cannot assist with claim resolution for laboratory tests or consultations.
  • Charny Healing is unable to ship test kits to the state of New York as per state laws.
  • Charny Healing is unable to ship lab kits to P.O. boxes. Please use a residential or business address.
  • Some lab providers fill out requisition forms ahead of time with client information. To avoid confusion when processing orders, if you are ordering lab kits for multiple people, please place a separate order for each person.
  • After you order a test kit, getting the lab draw and/or completing the test is your responsibility.
  • Once Charny Healing has received your test results, the results will be uploaded to your HIPAA compliant client portal and you will receive an email instructing you how to access them.
  • This test does NOT include a test interpretation consultation. If you are interested in having your test results interpreted please add a consultation with Dr. Charny.
  • Test interpretations must take place within 3 months of placing the test order.
  • Please contact us with questions.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Multi-Vitamin Elite $73.00