Organic Acids Test (OAT)

  • A comprehensive snapshot

    The Organic Acids Test (OAT) offers a comprehensive metabolic snapshot of your overall health and provides information about the body’s biochemical balance by measuring metabolic byproducts in urine. The 77 metabolites detected in the OAT can indicate vitamin and hormone metabolism, energy cycle function, intestinal wall integrity, neurotransmitter metabolites, and muscle function.

    Specimens from individuals with a chronic illness, allergic condition, or neurological disorder often have one or more abnormal organic acids. Some organic compounds are produced by an overgrowth of gastrointestinal yeast or bacterial species.

    What does OAT analyze?

    The OAT reliably detects the overgrowth of yeast and bacteria species commonly missed by conventional culture methods. These organisms and their metabolites can produce or magnify symptoms of many medical conditions.

    More than a single test

    OAT should be viewed as a comprehensive profile. By combining different categories of analysis together, we can understood from a fundamental standpoint deeper answers to often overlooked health problems.

  • When I began working with Dr. Charny, she almost immediately recommended I try a GI-MAP test to see what might be causing my issues.

    It’s pretty amazing how much Dr. Charny was able to read into my digestion from the results.

    The results of the MyPerio test astounded me. I never knew the bacteria in my mouth could affect my energy levels and even my high blood pressure! Thanks Dr. Charny for ordering this test and explaining my results.

    My hormones tested normal on other blood tests, but with the DUTCH test we were able to see how my hormones are working and responding to stress in action. It’s so cool that the test is taken throughout the day.

    Thanks Dr. Charny for helping me get a handle on things.

  • At-home lab tests with Charny Healing
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    Collection Instructions
    Everything you need to know to complete your test.

    Review collection instructions thoroughly before taking your sample and shipping your test kit back to the lab.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

    Collection instructions
    Health Insights with Dr. Charny
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    Having worked with thousands of patients across a wide range of health issues, Dr. Charny has developed an expertise deriving powerful insights from her analysis of patient lab results.

    Just add a consultation to your cart for each lab test you'd like to review with Dr. Charny.

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What does OAT really test? Let's get into the details...

The Organic Acids Test (OAT) evaluates a comprehenisve range of overgrowth and metabolite markers to provide a holistic assessment.

Yeast Overgrowth

The OAT evaluates for various fungal toxins, including specific markers for candida, as well as other fungus such as mold and yeast.

Overgrowth of yeast and fungi poison the mitochondria and contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction, stress hormone imbalances, and nutritional malabsorption.

Candida can build up toxins that contribute to fibromyalgia migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, brain fog, depression, and other symptoms. When Candida becomes invasive, it attaches to the intestinal wall causing leaky gut. This can result in food sensitivities, nutrient malabsorption, and intestinal disorders. Some of candida toxins can create problems with brain function including memory, attention, and focus.

The Organic Acids test also evaluates intestinal bacteria, distinguishing between beneficial and harmful bacteria. Elevations in these markers are generally seen with gut dysbiosis and bacterial overgrowth.

Bacterial Markers

Clostridia Overgrowth

The OAT evaluates for specific toxins related to various clostridia bacteria. Clostridia bacteria such as Clostridia difficile (C. diff.) can lead to digestive problems and poor health. Certain strains of C. diff. produce virulence factors which cause inflammation, within the digestive system. However, there are other clostridia toxins that work outside the digestive system.

The information from the OAT helps to prioritize treatment intervention decisions, along with symptoms and clinical history, between candida (fungus) and clostridia (bacteria). Treating for candida alone when clostridia bacteria toxins are present may lead to significant problems aggravating the digestive system, but also leading to adverse changes in neurochemicals affecting behaviors, mood, and mental stability.

Oxalic acid is one of the most acidic organic acids in bodily fluids. This organic acid is derived primarily from fungus (Aspergillus and Penicillium), Candida, or your metabolism. Excessive consumption of high oxalate foods and deficiencies in vitamin B6 can contribute to elevations in oxalic acid. Many of the foods very high in oxalates are healthy foods.

Oxalate crystals have a sharp physical structure that can cause oxidative damage, increase inflammation, cause pain, and damage tissues. Oxalate crystals may form in joints, blood vessels, muscles, kidneys, lungs, heart, thyroid, eyes, and even the brain. High oxalic acid can hinder the proper function of vital bodily functions, poison the mitochondria, and contribute to kidney stones.

High oxalates in the GI tract may significantly reduce absorption of essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and more. Oxalates may form in the bones, crowding out bone marrow cells. This can lead to anemia and immunosuppression. Identifying elevated oxalate metabolites is significant for people with chronic pain, joint issues, kidney stones, and other health issues.

Oxalate Metabolism

Glycolytic Cell Metabolism

Glycolysis is the metabolic pathway by which we convert glucose into lactate and pyruvate to form energy. If glycolytic cycle metabolites are elevated a person has mitochondrial dysfunction they are burning through sugar and have very poor ability to metabolize fat for fuel. While high levels can be due to a genetic issue, most often elevations are related to either yeast/fungal or bacterial overgrowth, high oxalate levels, or high oxidative stress. Nutritional deficiencies resulting from these underlying causes can also cause mitochondrial dysfunction.

The Krebs cycle (or citric acid cycle) is a series of chemical reactions in the mitochondria, the energy factories of our cells producing large amounts of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP acts as energy currency for our body. When the Krebs cycle metabolites are elevated, this can indicate mitochondrial energy pathway dysfunction from environmental toxins such as heavy metals, chemicals, or mold, yeast/fungal or bacterial overgrowth, high oxalate levels, or high oxidative stress and deficiencies in important vitamins (B2, CoQ10, unabsorbed glutamine supplement, B vitamin or alpha lipoic acid). Mitochondrial dysfunction is common in many chronic health disorders.

Mitochondrial Markers: Krebs Cycle Metabolites

Mitochondrial Markers: Amino Acid Metabolites

The amino acid metabolites are markers of poor mitochondrial function and poor amino acid metabolism and absorption. Elevations of these markers is an indication that the gut is inflamed or that the person has difficulty digesting and absorbing protein. They are likely a sugar burner with very poor ability to metabolize fat for fuel.

Metabolites of dopamine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, and serotonin are measured.

The relationship between dopamine and norepinephrine, two important brain chemicals is critical for attention, focusing, mood, calmness, and other functions of the nervous system. Deficiency or excess of serotonin, a brain chemical is important for mood, fine and gross motor skills, calmness, and sleep.

Neurotransmitter Metabolites

Pyrimidine/Folate Metabolites

The pyrimidine metabolites are markers of folate metabolism. Folate is linked to the methylation cycle that supports the inner workings of the cells related to DNA function and metabolism. Poor folate metabolism can also lead to cognitive problems.

The specific ketones and fatty acid metabolites measured in OAT show how well the body metabolizes fat. It is normal for these markers to be elevated for a person on the ketogenic or low-carbohydrate diet. However, if a person is not on a ketogenic or low-carb diet, elevations show difficulty absorbing fats.

When a person has difficulty absorbing fats, their mitochondria (the powerhouses of your cells) are not able to burn fat for energy. This is often caused by gut inflammation inhibiting lipid absorption. Candida, bacterial toxins, and high oxalates can contribute to fat malabsorption.

Ketones & Fatty Acid Metabolites

Nutritional Markers

OAT measures byproducts that occur in the body when a nutritional deficiency exists. Nutritional deficiencies contribute to many mental and physical health issues.

The nutritional markers include key vitamins and glutathione precursors. B vitamins (B12, B6, B5, B2), vitamin C, CoQ10, N-Acetylcysteine NAC), and Biotin (vitamin H) are all measured.

OAT evaluates for various nutritional markers from B vitamins to CoQ10, and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor and chelating agent. NAC is necessary as a precursor for the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant in our cells and protects against toxicity. Infections, oxidative stress, and environmental toxins can contribute to the depletion of glutathione.

OAT also tests homocysteine related metabolites. They are elevated when there is increased production of sulfur amino acids derived from homocysteine. The reasons for an increase can be due to a glutathione deficiency, methylation imbalances due to MTHFR/MTRR gene variants, nutritional deficiencies, alcoholism or diabetes, or a CBS mutation.

Elevations in ammonia metabolite, an important detoxification marker, is associated with ammonia toxicity. Excess ammonia affects brain tissue, causing symptoms such as headaches, inability to concentrate, and anxiety. High ammonia can result from kidney problems, drug toxicity of the liver, viral infections, gastrointestinal disorders, or gut dysbiosis.

Antioxidant Status and Detoxification Capacity

Amino acid Metabolites

It is normal for most of these amino acid metabolites to be low. However, if these markers are high, it’s likely there is an improper metabolism of amino acids.

One single amino acid metabolite increase could be due to a specific nutritional deficiency or a genetic defect, like KPU. High levels of multiple amino acids are a sign of poor protein metabolism and absorption, overconsumption of certain foods or ketogenic diets, B1 vitamin deficiency, exposure to chemicals like plastics and resin. The digestive issues can be related to poor digestive juice production, nutrient deficiencies, and infections. It can also be related to increased catabolic activity in the body, in which case phosphoric acid will usually also be high.

Phosphoric acid is a marker of vitamin D and calcium. This marker indicates whether vitamin D receptors are activated. If phosphoric acid is low, then the person is likely vitamin D and/or calcium deficient. Low levels can be due to low phosphate consumption, low digestive juice production, or deficiencies in vitamin D, vitamin K2, or magnesium.

High levels of phosphoric acid may indicate that the person is supplementing with too much vitamin D. High levels can be also related to poor diet (high phosphate consumption from processed foods) and/or lead toxicity. This increases bone turnover and poor bone formation.

Mineral Metabolism and Phosphoric acid

Indicators of Fluid Intake

OAT includes a urinary creatinine marker which measures fluid intake (how diluted the person’s urine is).

Which Metabolites does OAT Test?

  • Intestinal Microbial Overgrowth
    • Yeast and Fungal Markers
      • Citramalic
      • 5-Hydroxymethyl-2-furoic
      • 3-Oxoglutaric
      • Furan-2,5-dicarboxylic
      • Furancarbonylglycine
      • Tartaric
      • Arabinose
      • Carboxycitric
      • Tricarballylic
      Bacterial Markers
      • Hippuric
      • 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic
      • 4-Hydroxybenzoic
      • 4-Hydroxyhippuric
      • DHPPA
      Clostridia Bacterial Markers
      • 4-Hydroxyphenylacetic
      • HPHPA
      • 4-Cresol
      • 3-Indoleacetic
    Oxalate Metabolites
      • Glyceric
      • Glycolic
      • Oxalic
    Glycolytic Cycle Metabolites
      • Lactic
      • Pyruvic
    Mitochondrial Markers
    • Krebs Cycle Metabolites
      • Succinic
      • Fumaric
      • Malic
      • 2-Oxoglutaric
      • Aconitic
      • Citric
    • Amino Acid Metabolites
      • 3-Methylglutaric
      • 3-Hydroxyglutaric
      • 3-Methylglutaconic
    Neurotransmitter Metabolites
    • Phenylalanine and Tyrosine Metabolites
      • Homovanillic (HVA)
      • Vanillylmandelic (VMA)
      • HVA/VMA Ratio
      • Dihydroxyphenylacetic (DOPAC)
      • HVA/DOPAC Ratio
    • Tryptophan Metabolites
      • 5-Hydroxyindoleacetic (5-HIAA)
      • Quinolinic
      • Kynurenic
    Pyrimidine Metabolites - Folate Metabolism
      • Uracil
      • Thymine
    Ketone and Fatty Acid Oxidation
      • 3-Hydroxybutyric
      • Acetoacetic
      • Ethylmalonic
      • Methylsuccinic
      • Adipic
      • Suberic
      • Sebacic
    Nutritional Markers
      • Vitamin B12 (Methylmalonic)
      • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxic (B6)
      • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic (B5)
      • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) (Glutaric)
      • Vitamin C (Ascorbic)
      • Vitamin Q10 (CoQ10) (3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaric)
      • Glutathione Precursor and Chelating Agent (N-Acetylcysteine (NAC)
      • Biotin (Vitamin H) (Methylcitric)
    Indicators of Detoxification
      • Glutathione (Pyroglutamic)
      • Methylation, Toxic exposure (2-Hydroxybutyric)
      • Ammonia Excess (Orotic)
      • Aspartame, salicylates, or GI bacteria (2-Hydroxyhippuric)
    Amino Acid Metabolites
      • 2-Hydroxyisovaleric
      • 2-Oxoisovaleric
      • 3-Methyl-2-oxovaleric
      • 2-Hydroxyisocaproic
      • 2-Oxoisocaproic
      • 2-Oxo-4-methiolbutyric
      • Mandelic
      • Phenyllactic
      • Phenylpyruvic
      • Homogentisic
      • 4-Hydroxyphenyllactic
      • N-Acetylaspartic
      • Malonic
      • 4-Hydroxybutyric
    Mineral Metabolism
      • Phosphoric
    Indicator of Fluid Intake
      • Creatinine

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Hear what our patients have to say
about Lab Tests with Charny Healing

Josh R.

Santa Monica, CA

I’m a relatively healthy guy in my early sixties and I’ve always been in pretty good shape. Well a year ago or so I started to feel tired and even dizzy at random hours of the day. Never in my life had I experienced dizzy spells. I was unsuccessful with several doctors before Dr. Charny recommended something called the OAT test.

Well it turns out I had a bacteria called clostidria that somehow went undetected with other tests. After pinpointing the issue, Dr. Charny tailored my treatment and the progress has been amazing. I’m finally starting to feel back to my normal self.

Chelsea T.

Los Angeles, CA

Over the last few years I had been dealing with pretty regular constipation and general stomach uneasiness. When I began working with Dr. Charny, she almost immediately recommended I try a GI-MAP test to see what might be causing my issues. It’s pretty amazing how much Dr. Charny was able to read into my digestion from the results. We discovered I had crazy yeast overgrowth and I didn’t have enough enzymes to digest all the carbs I love to eat.

With Dr. Charny’s supplement recommendations, finally we are actually addressing the root cause. In the 3 months since taking the test I feel like I’m able to properly digest food. And I’ve even lost 10 pounds. Win win!

Richard M.

Los Angeles, CA

The results of the MyPerio test astounded me. I never knew the bacteria in my mouth could affect my energy levels and even my high blood pressure! Thanks Dr. Charny for ordering this test and explaining my results.

Kate T.

Los Angeles, CA

The last few years have been hard on a lot of us and for many reasons. On top of all the regular stressors I’ve just been feeling more stressed more regularly and experiencing hot flashes and gained weight for the first time. My hormones tested normal on other blood tests, but with the DUTCH test we were able to see how my hormones are working and responding to stress in action. It’s so cool that the test is taken throughout the day. And it makes sense too! I may wake up feeling fine, but can become stressed throughout the day, seemingly at random.

Thanks Dr. Charny for helping me get a handle on things.

Important lab test information

Please read the following prior to placing your lab test order.

  • All sales are final and no refunds will be afforded and you waive any rights to charge-back your purchase with your credit card processor.
  • Charny Healing does not participate in, take assignment, or accept any private insurance. We do not provide super bills and cannot assist with claim resolution for laboratory tests or consultations.
  • Charny Healing is unable to ship lab kits to P.O. boxes. Please use a residential or business address.
  • Some lab providers fill out requisition forms ahead of time with client information. To avoid confusion when processing orders, if you are ordering lab kits for multiple people, please place a separate order for each person.
  • After you order a test kit, getting the lab draw and/or completing the test is your responsibility.
  • Once Charny Healing has received your test results, the results will be uploaded to your HIPAA compliant client portal and you will receive an email instructing you how to access them.
  • This test does NOT include a test interpretation consultation. If you are interested in having your test results interpreted please add a consultation with Dr. Charny.
  • Test interpretations must take place within 3 months of placing the test order.
  • Please contact us with questions.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Multi-Vitamin Elite $73.00